Book - Nobody's Son

Non-fiction comes in all guises and Deborah Taylor-Bryant reads about a subject close to her heart in the book Nobody's Son by Cathy Glass...

“Born in a prison and removed from his drug-dependent mother, rejection is all that 7-year-old Alex knows.”

A long time care giver, through fostering those in need for various circumstances, in Nobody's Son, Cathy is returning to fostering following a short break, due to the break up of her marriage. A young boy (Alex) is struggling to belong anywhere and has had a lot of rejection. What can you do when a child wants nothing but to belong in a family, who will love him in return? 

I read this book with a lump in my throat. Author Cathy Glass (a pseudonym to protect those she works with) has years of exceptional experience of working with youngsters in need as well as their families, teaming up with Social services to offer the care required, tailored to individuals. Nobody’s Son is beautifully written and an insight to how fostering and social services work so hard to make a difference. Cathy and her family do their utmost to make this little man comfortable and introduce him to choices and how caring families work. She writes sensitively of her experience of fostering, which holds a different challenge with each individual, as with every situation in life, it's not one size fits all. Cathy’s books are not written in the order in which they happened. This means that some areas of the books can become a little repetitive at times but, saying that, it means that you do not have to have read all of them in order either.

I find books by Cathy Glass very addictive, real and thought provoking and I can never wait for the next one. I am in awe of her strength and passion she puts into her fostering. If you enjoy an emotional read and whether you have an interest in the care sector or not, pick up one of her books.

Follow Deborah on Twitter at @MsGeekAgent

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