News - 3 A.M. Christmas

David M Ames releases an instrumental Christmas album for the instra-metal-at-heart with 3 A.M. Christmas...

Picture the scene... it's 3 am on Christmas morning. The kids have woken you up YET AGAIN to see if Santa has been and you can't get back to sleep. You really need something more than eggnog to kick you into the festive spirit. What do you do?

Thankfully David M Ames has the answer with his new album 3 A.M. Christmas with eleven rocked up instrumental versions of classic Christmas tunes, guaranteed to lift the roof as well as your spirits. It  has the bonus of entertaining the neighbours at 3 in the morning too - after all if you're awake, why shouldn't everyone share the joy of metal mayhem on a crisp and frosty early Christmas morning? They can't say you never give them anything now can they?

We asked David about the real story behind the album:

"This album is my insomnia-fueled project. I have trouble sleeping and thought 'Why not just record some Christmas songs?'"

Why not indeed and, when you listen to the album, you may get the feeling that you've heard a few of the tracks before... and you'd be right! We shared some of David's music right here on AlbieMedia as part of our Christmas in July feature back in the summer. So, when his Christmas songs become more famous than Slade or Mariah Carey, remember YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!

Deck the Halls with David M Ames' rocking guitars below then buy the whole album of 11 tracks for just $5.50 from Bandcamp at

Full Track Listing:

1. Deck the Halls

2. Angels We Have Heard On High

3. Greensleeves

4. O Christmas Tree

5.Silent Night

6. Feliz Navidad

7. Jingle Bell Rock

8. Let It Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

9. Silver Bells

10. Walking in a Winter Wonder Land

11. White Christmas

Image - courtesy David M Ames
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