Today at the Proms - Proms 67 & 68

Continuing our daily coverage of what's on at The Proms 2018, Susan Omand has a quick look at the programme for Prom 67: Andris Nelsons conducts the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Prom 68: Berlin Philharmonic & Kirill Petrenko (II) ...

Reminder - Watch Prom 41: Edward Gardner conducts Elgar & Vaughan Williams on BBC Four tonight

More marvellous Mahler today, exactly the way to spend a bright and sunny Sunday afternoon... no, really. Despite its minor key in the beginning, his Third Symphony has been acclaimed as his brightest and most joyful sound, ending with a flourishing finale in D Major.

The evening Prom sees some Strauss and some Beethoven. The Strauss includes two of his tone poems (single movements of music that depict imagery to tell a story in the same way as a poem does.) Don Juan despairs of never finding the perfect woman and Death and Transfiguration charts the demise of an artist. And after we had such a happy afternoon as well!

Beethoven's Symphony no 7, on the other hand, has long been acclaimed as one of his best, with the 2nd movement, the Allegretto, being so popular that it is often played as a concert piece in its own right. And film-makers seem to like it as well.

Here's the full programme for this evening's Prom which you can listen to live on Radio 3 or on the iPlayer

Prom 67 - 14:00

Gustav Mahler
Symphony No 3 in D minor(102 mins)

Prom 68 - 20:00

Richard Strauss
Don Juan(18 mins)
Death and Transfiguration(26 mins)


Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No 7 in A major(38 mins)

Image - Photo © Chris Christodoulou
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