#NotBaconBits - From Nazareth to...

Yesterday we played Love Hurts by Nazareth. So what did you choose for today's #NotBaconBits song...

As always for #NotBaconBits, once you've listened to today's choice, we're looking for your connection suggestions for tomorrow's track.

Join in by tweeting us @albiemediaAM with the #NotBaconBits hashtag or adding your suggestions in the comments of our #NotBaconBits Facebook posts. It's like Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon but with music - remember the link can be as simple or contrived as you want, in any music genre (it doesn't have to be classical or pop) and you can link to anything about the song - the title, the artist, words in the song, something about the video ... anything as long as you can justify it. If we pick your suggestion for the link, you'll get the credit in that day's article and shout outs on our social networking streams.

Again some cracking suggestions sent to us on Twitter of where to go from Nazareth...

@STBwrites went camping - "Jesus was from Nazareth and according to Robbie Williams he drove a campervan. So, Jesus in a Campervan by RW is my choice."

And @WolfPaw36 headed to Paris - "Nazareth is a Texas city, Paris is also in Texas. Paris, Texas - film by Wim Wenders, music by Ry Cooder."

But we went with this one from @Ironwrites, (mostly just because he showed off in French). And, technically, I guess we can allow one backward step in the chain when the link is the same line of the song...

The Weight [which we played on Thursday - Ed] begins with "I pulled in." To pull in is a clear reference to Poulin, an old French term for one who raises chickens. We all know there is one thing Marty McFly hated being called and that's chicken. Marty played Chuck Berry's Johnny Be Goode in BTTF, so...

Image - IMDb

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