Turn That Noise Down - Slaughter

So many well-known albums turn 30 this year and Steve Taylor-Bryant and Susan Omand travel back to 1992 to revisit some of the sounds of their youth that made parents shout "Turn that noise down!" This week, Steve tries The Wild Life...

I haven’t thought about American glam rockers Slaughter since 1992. I vaguely remember them being on a bill from a show I went to but don’t recall who the headliners were and, beyond that, I remember very little about the band at all. However, when I was looking at a list of albums released in 1992, the band name stuck in my brain for some reason so I thought I'd take a listen and see if maybe my gin addled mind was making me pick them for a glorious reason. 

Reader, it was not. 

My brain was trying to protect me and, yet again, I wasn’t listening to it and jumped into a situation which wasn’t going to end well for me. Slaughter were a generic late 80’s rock band in the vein of Cinderella but not as good. It's my fault, I was having a good year by listening to Alice in Chains and Faith No More, but I stole Faith No More from Susan’s list and having to listen to The Wild Life seems to be my punishment. It is a harsh punishment.

I listened to every track as is my job and, to be honest, I either need a pay rise or danger money. You may think I am just after your pity, or I am overexaggerating. Your honour, the defence presents Courts Exhibit A - Days Gone By…

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